Wednesday 27 January 2010

Thriller Shooting Map.

Above is a Hand drawn Over View of our Shooting Plan. The numbers mark several places around the "CIV" that we are using, or that are key to the set. This drawing is only rough and does not give exact distances or real life proportion.

Description of places marked.

1) This is the enterence to the site itself. We will be shooting our female character going through the fence and into the site itself. The Fence is located down a dark and mysterious allyway. This will create suspense and Add drama.

2) This site is an open basketball court that has been trashed and spray painted. This will possibly be shown in the background of our shooting. It is dark and dingey and fits in with out theme.

3) This is the main building, the first room is an old squash court where most of our filming is due to take place. This is subject to change. The walls are full of graffiti and the lighting is sparse. This will fit in with the typical conventions of thrillers really well.

4) Second part of the main building is slightly more un-useable. Despite the site being lighter here the structure is slightly most unstable and due to alot of rubbish and rubble, we didnt see that this end of the site being a good place to film in.

5) This end of the building has been completely knocked down apart from a few remaining walls. This may be a good place to do a few shots through to add effect but apart from that is going to remain mainly un-used.

6) This is an open area filled with shrubs and trees. the ground isnt particulally stable but is a good place to take a shot of the building. This area will remain mainly un-used.

7) This is a small burnt out shed that is to the side of "the civ" and could be a possible place to shoot from. Despite having alot of ambient light the room isnt quite as good as the first suggested room so will remain out of the main shots but may be used in the background.

8) Number eight is the main field, this looks rather scary at night and because of the trees and the vast darkness could be used for a really good chase scene. It is also a good place to shoot a long shot of the buildings from.

9) This is the allyway needed to walk down to get to the civ, its dark and mysterious and leads round the trees to the enterence gap. This is going to be featured in the opening of our thriller showing our characters entering the site.

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