Friday 1 January 2010

Classroom Notes from the opening scene of "Seven"

The Opening of the film goes straight into the scene of Morgan Freeman (Decetive Somerset) in his apartment. This is before credits or titles. There is no speach but we get to know a small ammount about his way of life. He is Quiet, Tidy and witheld. He has very particular ways of getting ready to leave his house.
Next Shot, still no titles is a dead body, the blood is highlighted by the lighting.
Voice of a police officer talking about the neighbours account of what was happening.
Enterence of Brad Pitt (Detective Mills) to the crime scene.

Detective Somerset:
Quieter, Old, Wise, Logical.
Fussy, Lonely?
Wears a Hat - a sign of an upstanding gentleman?

Detective Mills:
Sarcastic, Wise-act, Confident
They are contrasting characters.

Titles Come after end of Convosation in the street between the two detectives.
Opening credits are strange. Lots of flickering and movement.
They are very uneasy and gruesome.
Dark Shadows are Used typical of Thrillers.
The flashing images give a sense of unease to the viewer.
Childrens Writing? Images of cencoring, photographs being developed. finger naiils being cut. Lots of images of books and writing.

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