Monday 19 October 2009

As Media Advertising Campaign

As Media Advertising Campaign

Empowered Lipstick.

The advert I have designed is specific to women. The picture I have used of the main backdrop is feminine and artistic. The woman is applying red lipstick and has an expression on her face of glamour and femininity. She is very colourful and the image uses a very feminine colour theme. She is wearing a lot of pink and black make up, which red co-ordinated well with. I chose the lipstick idea because it is something that I myself purchase a lot and when I see an advert for a new brand of lipstick I thought about the way I interpret the image when considering to buying it. I really like the artistic theme to the advert. The colour theme in the advert is pink and reds which I think are associated with women and cosmetics. When I came up with the idea of a lipstick advert my original idea was to use a gothic vampire theme, this however proved a challenging task to manufacture as gothic and images of vampires are hard to make positive and appealing. I reason I chose this idea originally is because red lipstick is commonly associated with gothic culture and is the same colour as blood, which is commonly associated with vampires. At this point I changed my idea to the current idea I have now; I think that this idea is better because it appeals to more people and a better audience than my original idea.
I think my advert is aimed at 16-25 year old women. This age group tend to wear make up more often than women older and they also take fashion and their appearance into great consideration. Make up is an essential part of feeling good about yourself and making a good appearance. Most women wear some form of makeup everyday and lipstick although is more common for formal events and going out can be worn for every day events. I think that my advert does not give off the impression that you can only wear this lipstick when dressing formally, the advert is quite laid back and general and not specific to any time in which the product can be used.
The text in my advert stands out but is also simple, this way the attention goes more towards the woman in the image and the lipstick at the bottom of the advert. The text reads “Be Artistic. Be Empowered. The theme of empowerment I personally think is a crucial factor as empowerment is something that women are everyday getting more and more of. We live in a male dominated society and dominance and power and very important to most women. I used the Phrase “Be Artistic” because make up in a sense is art. And the way you apply your makeup and the make up you wear says a lot about you. The image of lipstick which I chose also fits in with the artistic theme of the advert. I think that it is very important that all of the images in the advert are in keeping with each other. This image would be printed in women’s fashion magazines such as “Elle” and “vogue”. These magazines are focused on women and female interest. They cover topics on image and the shopping industry and Fashion.
I think the strengths of my advert is that it can be produced for a lot of different varieties of women and that it is feminine and sticks to the theme that I created. I think that some of the weaknesses are that it doesn’t contain enough information about the product itself and the price, where you can buy it etc.


  1. I love the colours they really stand out

  2. You needed to post the MARKED work onto your blog together with the assessment sheet. Could you please do this.
    Advertisement E Evaluation C Overall D 52%
